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MSRI Publications – Volume 72

Hamiltonian Systems: Dynamics, Analysis, Applications

Edited by Albert Fathi, Philip J. Morrison, Tere M-Seara, and Sergei Tabachnikov

Whole book
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Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of contents
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Denjoy subsystems and horseshoes, by Marie-Claude Arnaud, 1–28
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Impact Hamiltonian systems and polygonal billiards, by L. Becker, S. Elliott, B. Firester, S. Gonen Cohen, Michael Pnueli, and Vered Rom-Kedar, 29–66
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Some remarks on the classical KAM theorem, following Pöschel, by Abed Bounemoura, 67–73
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Some recent developments in Arnold diffusion, by Chong-Qing Cheng and Jinxin Xue, 75–110
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Viscosity solutions of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation on a noncompact manifold, by Albert Fathi, 111–172
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Holonomy and vortex structures in quantum hydrodynamics, by Michael S. Foskett and Cesare Tronci, 173–214
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Surfaces of locally minimal flux, by Robert S. MacKay, 215–227
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A symplectic approach to Arnold diffusion problems, by Jean-Pierre Marco, 229–295
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Hamiltonian ODE, homogenization, and symplectic topology, by Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, 297–367
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