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Search the SLMath Library Book Catalog

This searches the SLMath Library Book Catalog. Fill in the patterns (words or word fragment) you wish to search. The pattern can be from the title, author, subject, publisher, or series. Some hints:
  • Omit initial "The" or "A" in the title.
  • Search is not case sensitive.
  • If you're unsure of the spelling, use .* (period+star) as a wildcard.

If you use two patterns (one on each line), this only matches books having BOTH patterns in their description. For instance,
pattern1: siegel
pattern2: several comp
would match any items containing the name "siegel" and the pattern "several comp" in the author, title, subject, or elsewhere in the book description.

More search hints. We have a few ebooks. Guidelines for online usage and EZproxy.

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Pattern 1: AND

Pattern 2: (optional)