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Math & SLMath-Related Links

Reading Lists from SLMath Scientific Activities


Zentralblatt Math database
DML: Retrodigitized Math Journals
Project Euclid
AMS Digital Mathematics Registry of Journals
Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum - GDZ
Crossref DOI lookup
Crossref multiple DOI lookup
Abbreviations of math journal titles - AMS
Abbreviations of math journal titles - Zentralblatt
Math journals online
Math books online
Gallica Bibliothèque Numérique - has old Comptes Rendus
European Digital Mathematics Library
European Mathematical Information Service
Jahrbuch Project (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics)
Diamond Open Access Journals

Books online

International Mathematical Union (IMU) -- ICM Proceedings
Open Textbook Library    (math)    (pure)    (applied)
American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) open textbook initiative
Libre Texts open text books    (math)    (statistics)    (commons)    (blog)
Directory of Open Access Books    (math)    (probability and statistics)
Free math ebooks
Online books page - math

Book and library catalog search engines

University of California library catalog search engine
University of California-Berkeley library catalog search engine
SLMath library catalog search engine
KVK international library search engine - The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue searches multiple library catalogs worldwide.
WorldCat libraries advanced search - Global catalog of library collections finds what you want in a library near you.

Preprints and eprints

MSRI   (1995–2005)
Institut Elie Cartan
Max Planck Institute
Ohio State Mathematical Research Institute
University of Tokyo   (1995–2018)
Warwick Mathematical Institute

Book buying and price comparisons

AddALL book search and price comparison
The book search and book price comparison agent is built to ease online book shopping. All new books, used books, out of print books are searched and compared the price difference among more than 41 online bookstores for the best buy. Save your time and money by the free online service
BookFinder.com: Search for New & Used Books
Search engine that finds the best buys from among 150 million new, used, rare, and out-of-print books for sale. Includes textbooks and international titles.
Your source for used, new, rare and out-of-print books. Find classic collectibles, rare signed editions, used textbooks, and inexpensive bestsellers in our 100 million books.
Abebooks.de ist Teil des weltweit größten Internet-Marktplatzes für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher. In unserem Buchkatalog finden Sie über 80 Mio. Bücher, angeboten von mehr als 13.500 Anbietern aus der ganzen Welt. Abebooks.de hieß früher JustBooks.de.
Out of Print Materials

LaTeX and Vi

AMS Journal Author Packages
FAQs for AMS Authors
Why Do We Recommend LaTeX?
AMS Journals LaTeX2e Tips
Help on BibTex entry types
Interactive LaTeX editor online
Vi reference cards (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)
LaTeX Tutorial Videos:
Intro to LaTeX using Overleaf video by Joe Heafner
Maths Partner LaTeX video playlist
Dr. Trefor Bazett LaTeX tutorials video playlist
LaTeX full tutorial video for beginners by Michelle Krummel


MSC 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
MSC 2020 on MathSciNet
MSC 2020 on Zentralblatt
MSC 2010 on MathSciNet
Math Jobs
Email addresses to math journals
Math Overflow - Forum for math research questions
EMS Reviews - European Mathematical Society book reviews
MAA Reviews - Mathematical Association of America book reviews
SLMath - We are dedicated to the advancement and communication of fundamental knowledge in the mathematical sciences.
SLMath Calendar
Campus shuttles including H-line hill schedule
65 bus AC Transit Schedule
A Justice and Math Weblog - continuation of the AMS blog about underrepresented groups in mathematics.
Gethuman Database
Papers by David Eisenbud
Wolfram Alpha
Oanda currency conversion
Language translation - Google
UCB libraries map
Undergraduate Level Math Books - Math Overflow discussion thread
Chicago Undergraduate Mathematics Bibliography - Annotated bibliography
MAA's basic library list for undergraduates (updated 2020)
UC-Berkeley preliminary exam syllabus with suggested textbooks
MIT Open Courseware: mathematics - Free online courses
Khan Academy: mathematics - Exercises for kids
Numberphile - Math videos (on YouTube)
Meet a Mathematician! - Video interviews with mathematicians
Math Circles
My Favorite Theorem (podcasts & transcripts) hosted by Kevin Knudson & Evelyn Lamb
New Books in Mathematics (podcasts)
Illustrating the Impact of the Mathematical Sciences - videos by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Museum of Mathematics - 11 E 26th St, New York, NY, 10010, (212) 542-0566
Mathical Books - Children's math books awarded prizes by SLMath with NCTE, NCTM, & CBC.
Euler Book Prize - Math book prize awarded by the MAA
Collected works of mathematicians, linked to content where available - Celebratio Mathematica
Collected works of mathematicians - Cornell University
Collected works of mathematicians - Texas Christian University
Math and COVID-related resources - Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences

Test file formats

test.pdf    test.doc    test.djvu    test.dvi    test.ps