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Abstract for MSRI Preprint 1995-103

Algebras associated with Blaschke products of type G

Carroll Guillory and Kin Y. Li

Let $\Omega$ and $\Omega_{\rm fin}$ be the sets of all interpolating Blaschke products of type $G$ and of finite type $G$, respectively. Let $E$ and $E_{\rm fin}$ be the Douglas algebras generated by $H^\infty$ together with the complex conjugates of elements of $\Omega$ and $\Omega_{\rm fin}$, respectively. We show that the set of all invertible inner functions in $E$ is the set of all finite products of elements of $\Omega$ , which is also the closure of $\Omega$ among the Blaschke products. Consequently, finite convex combinations of finite products of elements of $\Omega$ are dense in the closed unit ball of the subalgebra of $H^\infty$ generated by $\Omega$. The same results hold when we replace $\Omega$ by $\Omega_{\rm fin}$ and $E$ by $E_{\rm fin}$.