Home > Library > MSRI Preprints > 1995 > Preprint 1995-102 > Abstract

Abstract for MSRI Preprint 1995-102

Canonical models for $\aleph_1$-combinatorics

Saharon Shelah and Jindrich Zapletal

We define the property of $\Pi_2$-compactness of a statement $\phi$ of set theory, meaning roughly that the hard core of the impact of $\phi$ on combinatorics of $\aleph_1$ can be isolated in a canonical model for the statement $\phi$. We show that the following statements are $\Pi_2$-compact: "dominating number$=\aleph_1$," "cofinality of the meager ideal$=\aleph_1$", "cofinality of the null ideal$=\aleph_1$", existence of various types of Souslin trees and variations on uniformity of measure and category$=\aleph_1$. The sentence "${\mathfrak b}=\aleph_1$" is discussed as well. Several important new metamathematical patterns among classical statements of set theory are pointed out.