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Abstract for MSRI Preprint 1995-085

Complete interpolating sequences for Paley-Wiener spaces and Muckenhoupt's $(A_p)$ condition

Yurii I. Lyubarskii and Kristian Seip

We describe the complete interpolating sequences for the Paley-Wiener spaces $L^p_\pi$ ($1 \lt p \lt \infty$) in terms of Muckenhoupt's $(A_p)$ condition. For $p=2$, this description coincides with those given by Pavlov (1979), Nikol'skii (1980), and Minkin (1992) of the unconditional bases of complex exponentials in $L^2(-\pi,\pi)$. While the techniques of these authors are linked to the Hilbert space geometry of $L^2_\pi$, our method of proof is based on turning the problem into one about boundedness of the Hilbert transform in certain weighted $L^p$ spaces of functions and sequences.