Home > Library > MSRI Preprints > 1995 > Preprint 1995-071 > Abstract

Abstract for MSRI Preprint 1995-071

Symmetry via Spherical Reflection and Spanning Drops in a Wedge

John McCuan

We consider embedded ring-type surfaces (that is, compact, connected, orientable surfaces with two boundary components and Euler–Poincaré characteristic zero) in ${\Bbb R}^3$ of constant mean curvature which meet planes $\Pi_1$ and $\Pi_2$ in constant contact angles $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ and bound, together with those planes, an open set in ${\Bbb R}^3$. If the planes are parallel, then it is known that any contact angles may be realized by infinitely many such surfaces given explicitly in terms of elliptic integrals. If $\Pi_1$ meets $\Pi_2$ in an angle $\alpha$ and if $\gamma_1+\gamma_2\gt\pi+\alpha$, then portions of spheres provide (explicit) solutions. In the present work it is shown that if $\gamma_1+\gamma_2\le\pi+\alpha$, then the problem admits no solution. The result contrasts with recent work of H. C. Wente who constructed, in the particular case $\gamma_1 = \gamma_2 =\pi/2$, a self-intersecting surface spanning a wedge as described above.

Our proof is based on an extension of the Alexandrov planar reflection procedure to a reflection about spheres, on the intrinsic geometry of the surface, and on a new maximum principle related to surface geometry. The method should be of interest also in connection with other problems arising in the global differential geometry of surfaces.